Monday 8 August 2016

Traveling Tips Before to Visit INDIA

Real spirit of India has a live view in small villages apart from the crowd of urbanization. So, better to turn your steps towards villages, native sites, or silent beauty of nature. Mountain regions of Himalayas and Kerala is a perfect way to soothe your senses. Such kind of rejuvenation is always with you for a lifetime. Truly tremendous!

India is a famous culture rich land with its magnificent huge area. The country offers multiple experiences to a first time visitor especially with its variety of cultures, communities and religions. If you want to take an actual tour to India then slow paced villages is a best way to collect whole amazing experience. Here, we mention a few basic tips to fully enjoy your India visit in a comfortable and convenient way.

Precautions to avoid the risks (especially for Female Travelers)
Even India is one of the safest places in the world yet we've to follow some precautions to avoid risks-

  • Always pre-plan with a good research on the small factors related to culture, climate, food habits and dress code of the place before you want to visit.

  • Asian world has different trends with comparison to Western people. So, it is not sure that you'll meet up to your expectation whether it is a part of behavior, late night outing or too much friendliness with males.

  • Stay confident and avoid the strangers, beggars and roadside vendors.

  • Try to avoid going alone at unknown sites and dark streets. Must follow the guidelines of your local guide and person who will assist you at a new place.

  • Positively utilize the technology and install helpful mobile apps which can support you in any emergency situation.

  • Decent dressing is a perfect way to avoid any kind of odd and unwanted attention. Modern and traditional wearing depends on the areas which you select for your visit. Like, you can wear short dresses in metro cities, but in case of small cities and traditional states must try to wear normal fitted, comfortable and covered attires. Long Kurtis, Salwar Kameez, comfortable T-shirts, normal fitted trousers and related stuff are good to wear throughout the country. You can also locally purchase them at reasonable prices and can easily roam around the sites.

  • For healthy and hygienic conditions, be careful about your food and drink.

  • Must ensure about the source of drinking water, if it is not from trusted source then try bottled water, boiled water or use purifying tablets.

  • In India, the roadside local vendors generally sale cut fruits & salads, but you've to use uncut fruits to avoid the contamination.

  • Try to add curd in your meal for better digestion and use less oily & less spicy food.

  • If you select summer time to visit India then must use sunscreen, wear sunglasses and drink plenty of liquids to avoid the negative effect of hot and harsh conditions. Coconut water is healthy and the safest option.

  • Never forget to carry basic medicines, band aids and a mosquito repellent like first aid things with you for your safety.


Tip is basically depend on the quality of services provided to you whether it is a part of hotels, restaurants, driver or any related services.

  • Tip is generally not included in the bill charges and this additional part is near about the 10% of the bill.

  • You can use it, at the time of check out or in some cases it could be the early tip as a reward for good services.

  • A tip to driver varies from 700 to 1000 INR depend on the service. Similarly, you can also give a tip of 50- 100 INR/ Bag to porter, who help to carry your luggage.


Shopping in India will be a complete entertaining part. You've good options for your selection in a form of available variety.
  • In the local markets, you can get the chance to bargain, you can easily compare prices and get the best deals according to money and quality.

  • Try to use convenient and easily acceptable option of cash, instead of card payments in local markets.

  • In case of shipping never forget to collect receipts of shipment and try to buy from reputed names for a suitable arrangement up to your destination.


If we talk about the public toilet facility in India then it is not so reliable till the date. So, try to use the toilets of your hotels and restaurants apart from the public toilets. Never forget to carry toilet paper with you. Apart from such options, if you are in problem then Sit or Squat is a useful app to easily find out the proper nearby toilet facility in your location.

Important Tips during sightseeing:

It must be in everyone's habit for the care and betterment of your own and any other country. So, try to follow such basic guidelines during your visit to India.

  • Don't use photography in the prohibited areas because there are many places in India where photography is not allowed and need permission with specific charges which vary from still, video or mobile.

  • Respect the local people and follow the legal rules.

  • Avoid drinking and smoking in public areas because it may charge high penalties.

  • Save your time with the proper information about the closing days of specific monuments, museums, archaeological sites, historical attractions or any Government Institutions.

  • Don't encourage beggars by showing sympathy and giving money to them.

  • Get the proper confirmation about your entry into religious centers from local tourist information center because some temples are not allowed to enter Non-Hindus.

  • Follow the rules before to enter religious centers because in most of Hindu & Jain temples, leather article such as purses and belts are not allowed.

Some other suggestions

  • For any emergency support, always carry extra copies of your photographs and keep photocopies of your passport and other legal identities with you.

  • For the local transfers, pre-paid taxi services are a better option because in India there is no rule for fixed fares. So, avoid bargaining and rate card issues and try the better option of pre-paid taxi services.

  • Avoid carrying a big amount of cash with you. Use ATMs services or other instant banking favorable options where most of the international cards are accepted and you can easily exchange your amount into Indian currency.

  • Follow the proper VISA formalities, whether you are under Tourist Visa, Business Visa, Student/ Employment Visa, Entry Visa or Transit Visa.


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