Tuesday 25 August 2015

Under-the-Radar European Destination You Should Visit Right Away

European Destination
The dollar never had more value against the euro as it is of now, which makes it the perfect time to take a trip to Europe right away. There is no better time to take your dream trip to Europe! London, Paris, Rome are commonplace, we know, and this is why we have sourced out some of the under-the-radar destination in the European continent you might not have heard about before, but are definitely must-visits.

These towns and cities are way less crowded and provided ample opportunities to the prospective tourists looking for some peace and calm, and of course, some really amazing food and drinks. Here we go.

Goreme, Turkey

Wonder what’s “even more” exciting than seeing Goreme’s stunning rock formations into which some gargantuan, gorgeous churches have been built? It’s viewing the same, but all abroad a hot-air-balloon from hundreds of feet overhead.

Torun, Poland

Torun - Poland

Torun- the birthplace of the science genius, Copernicus is reason alone to be worth a visit. But Torun, surprisingly, has more to it. Considerably less crowded than the other two major Polish towns (Warsaw and Krakow); this town also has a thriving theater scene and the famous Gingerbread Museum.

Manarola, Italy

Manarola - Italy

Italy always has been a gastronome’s delight, and this under-the-radar Italian town serves no less the purpose. The oldest and the second smallest of the Cinque Terre towns, Manarola is known for fresh seafood from the Ligurian Sea, sweer Sciacchetra wine, and some peace and quiet (no cars are permitted in Manarola). Easy to reach by the Pisa Centrale train, Manarola is a must-visit at least for a day while you are in Italy. 

Ikaria, Greece

Ikaria - Greece

The best time to visit this town is between May to October when the town celebrates Panagiria- religious holidays that take once or twice every week during this season. And also, you might be more interested to know that the people of this town are known to typically live to 100. There is something in the water that gives them the longevity? We feel the same too. 

Hallstaatt, Austria

Hallstaatt - Austria

Austria is well-known for picturesque countryside, fine wine and amazing European food. Hallstaatt simply adds more to the list. Also known as “the pearl of Austria”, Hallstaatt is striking old village surrounded by salt mines; trekkers would love to have a tour of. Also, this village is essentially car-free which makes it a perfect nature escape from the hustle and bustle of the city life. 

Alesund, Norway

Alesund - Norway

Think the Northern Lights is not enough reason to visit Norway? Well, Alesund adds a lot more to your trip. The Atlantic Sea Park at Tueneset is the biggest saltwater aquarium in northern Europe! Still want more? Go for advanced-skiing in the Sunnmore Alps in the month of December.

Porto, Portugal

Porto - Portugal

Lisbon is not the only reason you would want to visit Portugal for. Porto, the second largest city in this country provides ample tourists-opportunities; if only you knew about it before. With rich culture and livelier-colored buildings, Porto is hub to a plethora of tourist-activities, including a visit to the massive indoor market of Mercado do Bolhao, where you can pick up culinary delights ranging from freshly-baked breads to delicious servings of lusciously-cooked fish.

Amazing Facts You Never Knew— Europe

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